
Thesis defence: Yagmur Elif Met

Saló de Graus

Thesis title: Individual differences in English vocabulary acquisition of very young learners in Spain: internal and external factors

  • Doctoral candidate: Yagmur Elif Met
  • Thesis supervisors: Dra. Julia Baron, Dra. Helena Roquet
  • Doctoral programme:  Communication, Educational and Humanities (RD 99/2011) 

 Jury members: 

  • President: Dra. Adriana Soto Corominas (Universidad Internacional de Catalunya)
  • Spokeperson:  Dra. Milica Savić (University of Stavanger)
  • Secretary: Dra. Maria del Mar Suárez Vilagran (Universitat de Barcelona)

* If you would like to attend online, please follow this link.