
Thesis defence: Yomna Abdallah

Electronic defence

Thesis title: "Embedding Microorganisms in Interior Design elements to achieve Design Ecology (Empirical study on achieving energy self-producing systems)"

  • Doctoral candidate: Yomna Abdallah
  • Thesis supervisor: Dr. Alberto T. Estévez Escalera

Doctoral programme: Architecture (RD 99/2011)

Jury members: 

  • President: Dr. Agustí Fontarnau (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya)
  • Spokeperson: Dra. Alexis Caridad Méndez González (Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana)
  • Secretary: Dr. Gabriel Barbeta (Universitat de Girona)

* If you would like to attend online, please contact the secretary's office at the Doctorate School: edoc@uic.es