
Tribute to Jordi Cervós, first rector of UIC Barcelona

Saló d'Actes de l'Hospital Universitari General de Catalunya

Act of recognition of the research and teaching career of Dr. Jordi Cervós, professor in Neuropathology and first rector of UIC Barcelona, who left us just a year ago.


  • 2.00 p.m.    Welcome by Dr Albert Balaguer, Dean of the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
  • 2.05 p.m.    Lecture by Dr José Vicente Lafuente, professor of Neurosciences at the University of the Basque Country.
  • 2.40 p.m.    Round table: Jordi Cervós: “A life dedicated to knowledge,” moderated by Dr Josep Argemí, professor of Pediatrics and rector of UIC Barcelona from 2001 to 2010.


                          Dr. José Vicente Lafuente, professor of Neurosciences at the University of the Basque Country.  

                          Dr. Vicente Calatayud Maldonado, professor emeritus of  Neurosurgery at the University of Zaragoza

                          Dr. Josep Eladi Baños, rector of Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya

                          Dr. Lluís Giner, dean at the Faculty of Dentistry of UIC Barcelona
                         Dra. Marian Lorente, PhD in Medicine and Surgery

  • 3.45 p.m.    Closing remarks by Dr Alfonso Méndiz, rector of UIC Barcelona

This institutional event is part of the UIC Barcelona’s 25 th anniversary celebration, which you can follow on the website: 25anys.uic.es

Event by invitation only.

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