
Update in corporate taxation event

Faculty of Law and Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira Barcelona Campus


Event organised by the Faculty of Law in conjunction with Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira.


9.30 a.m.

Welcoming attendees and picking up accreditations.

9.45 a.m.

Conference given by Dr Maria Mut, vice-dean for Postgraduate degrees, Master’s degrees and Continuing Education in the Faculty of Law.

10 a.m.

“Evolución del delito fiscal en España” [The Evolution of Tax Crime in Spain] 

  • Don Luis Jordana de Pozas, a public prosecutor on leave, managing director of the criminal area at Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira.
11 a.m.

“Incidencia del IRPF en el diseño de nuevas políticas de retribución” [The impact of VAT on designing new payment policies].

  • Don Manuel de Miguel, general assistant director for VAT for individuals at the general directorate for taxation.
12 p.m.

“El contexto internacional del impuesto sobre sociedades: influencia de la imposición societaria en el comportamiento empresarial” [The international context of corporate tax: the impact of this tax on behaviour].

  • Doña Begoña García-Rozado, general assistant director for VAT for individuals at the general directorate for taxation.
1 p.m.

“La reforma de la Ley General Tributaria en el ámbito interno y su influencia internacional” [The reform of the General Tax Law at an internal level and the international impact this has had]

  • Don Diego Martín-Abril, general director for Tax.
2 p.m.

Round table: “Situación actual de la fiscalidad empresarial en España” [The current corporate tax situation in Spain].

Moderator: Don Joan Corona, general director of the Family Business Institute.

  • Don Mariano Puig Planas, founder and former president of the Family Business Institute, honorary president of European Family Business, grupo Puig.
  • Don Fernando Casado, general director of the Society for the Protection of Competitiveness.
  • Don Diego Martín-Abril, general director for Tax.
  • Don Carles Puig Munné, partner at Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira

Closing speech by Luis Manuel Alonso, director of the Master's Degree in Legal and Fiscal Planning and Guidance and Dr Maria Mut, vice-dean for Postgraduate degrees, Master’s degrees and Continuing Education in the Faculty of Law.