
Virtual Round Table: “Religions and Climatic Change”

On the fifth anniversary of the publication of Laudato si, the Pope’s encyclical on integral ecology, a week of activities is being celebrated worldwide to highlight the importance of the document.
The virtual round table that we are holding on May 19 at UIC Barcelona is an opportunity to show how the different religions present in Catalonia can take actions to develop a climate culture. This topic is part of a research project financed by the Catalan government Department of Justice, which has awarded grants for research projects in religious diversity. The project "Do the religious communities present in Catalonia participate in climate culture?" is led by the SEI (Sustainability and Integral Education) research group at UIC Barcelona, and involves researchers from three other universities.
During the session we will discuss whether there is impetus from religions to tackle the climate emergency and if climate action can be an area of inter-religious dialogue.
  • Dr Francisca Pérez (UB). Professor of State Ecclesiastical Law. Member of the research project.
  • Dr Emilio Chuvieco (UAH).  Professor of Geography. Director of the UAH's Chair in Environmental Ethics. Member of the research project.
  • Dr Sílvia Albareda (UIC Barcelona). Coordinator of the research project, lecturer at the Faculty of Education and director of the UIC Office for Cooperation and Sustainable Development.
  • Rosa María López Ros. Head of Education, Research and Assessment. General Directorate for Religious Affairs. Department of Justice of the Government of Catalonia.
* With the support of the General Directorate for Religious Affairs of the Department of Justice of the Government of Catalonia through its RELIG financial assistance.