
Virtual tour. A domenica in Rome

The director of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, Josep Lluís i Ginovart, will give a virtual tour of Rome on Saturday 18 and Saturday 25 April, open to the public. It consists of two sessions and will be eminently informative. 

"The first session will be dedicated to Santa Maria Maggiore and in it we will explore the symbolism of the convent mass at ten in the morning and look at the construction of this important Church in Rome. We will try to understand what this basilica contains, from the perspective of Christian Humanism, particularly the Eucharistic celebration of the Liberian Chapter. We will be able to experience ceremonial pageantry through the liturgy that will be accompanied by the sacred music of the Capella Musicalle choirs. In the second session, we will look at two of the most significant artists in baroque art, Caravaggio and Borromini, who share a very special and controversial character. We will look at the works of Caravaggio in Sant'Agostino, Sant Luigi in Franchesi and Santa Maria del Popolo. At nine in the morning on the dot, we will enter in Sant'Ivo a la Sapienza, which is the only time we will be able to visit this work by Borromini," explains Josep Lluís i Ginovart. 


Session 1: "A domenica in Rome I. Santa Maria Maggiore".

Date: Saturday 18 April 2020

Time: 10.30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Access link

Session 2: “A domenica in Rome II. Caravaggio and Borromini".

Date: Saturday 25 April 2020

Time: 10.30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Access link

Josep Lluís i Ginovart is an architect who qualified at ETSAB at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya- BarcelonaTech (in 1982) and holds a PhD in architecture from the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture (2002). He is currently the director of the school, as well as a researcher and director of the Research Group on Architectural Heritage (PATRIARQ). Prior to his position at UIC Barcelona, Josep Lluís i Ginovart was director of the Department of Architecture at the Univesity of Rovira i Virgili (URV).