Executive Development Program

PDE-UIC, a transformative experience to initiate or enhance your career as a manager.
Type of programme
Specialization courses
between 13-01-2025 and 31-07-2025
€900.00 / ECTS x 12 = €10,800.00. *Prices corresponding to the 2024-2025 academic year.
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5.30 to 9.30 p.m.
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Reasons to study this master’s degree:

  1. Professional growth
    Discover your areas of improvement in management and prepare to make a leap in your professional career and assume positions of greater responsibility.
  2. Developing skills
    Acquire new strategic knowledge, decision-making, negotiation and team management and apply them in your day-to-day.
  3. Global vision
    Get a comprehensive view of the operation and management of the company and all its interrelated areas.
  4. Strategy and decision making
    Develop your strategic thinking to make decisions with greater confidence to obtain better results.
  5. Leadership and team management
    Manage teams by adopting strategic leadership. Get to know yourself and build well-aligned teams with a clear vision.

Aimed at:

The Executive Development Programme (PDE) is aimed at profiles with a minimum of 5 years of professional experience who want to develop their career in managerial positions.

Prospective students

  • Functional area managers seeking knowledge about the whole management area of the company.
  • Professionals who want to advance within their professional career or explore new areas of business.
  • Professionals with the possibility of being promoted to a general management position.
  • Professionals who need to recycle their skills and/or entrepreneurs.
  • Managers who aspire to better manage their teams 


The Executive Development Programme (PDE) is designed to train managers quickly and efficiently, providing everything necessary for comprehensive leadership.

This master's degree aims to:

  • Provide students with the tools, skills and outlook necessary to make decisions with a comprehensive vision of general management from the perspectives of the different management areas of any organisation.

The student will be able to:

  • Master the key areas of the managerial role to boost their career and move up with the confidence of being fully prepared. And always with an ethical vision, the mark of UIC Barcelona on its students.

Methodology: case studies

The PDE is based on the practical application of fundamental theory and management concepts and is taught mainly through business cases. The case is first worked on an individual level, then in a group and finally in a general session with all the participants.

The general session is led by an expert with extensive executive experience in each subject who will apply their knowledge based on real facts. Future managers accelerate their careers by learning to make decisions and solve the type of demanding situations that they come across in management.

In the initial phase, the necessary theory will provide a common base for all students and prepare them for resolving cases and consolidating their learning by getting the most out of the programme.

Study programme and subjects 2024-2025

Subjects in course 1 Type Term ECTS
Executive Development Program Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 12
  • ECTS: European Credit Transfer System
  • Term: calendar period
  • (a): subjects which are taught in English

Prerequisites & admissions

Inscripció de l'1 de març al 30 de maig. Admissió per ordre d’inscripció (40 places).

El curs està dirigit a acadèmics, estudiants de doctorat de qualsevol àrea o professionals interessats en l’ús de procediments estadístics pel modelatge d’equacions estructurals en les seves recerques.