Master's Degree in Data Science & Advanced Analytics

Type of programme
Lifelong Learning Master's Degree
between 27-09-2024 and 31-08-2025
€143.00 / ECTS x 60 = €8,580.00 (+ €494.00 Registrations fees). *Prices corresponding to the 2024-2025 academic year.
Fridays from 4pm to 9pm and Saturdays from 9am to 2 pm
  • Presentation
  • Curriculum and teaching team
  • Prerequisites and admissions


UIC Barcelona Executive Master’s Degree in Advanced Analytics & Data Science is the programme for you if you are a professional who would like to develop further in the fields of Big Data and Advanced Analytics. We will teach you to take decisions in business environments that involve a high volume of data generated at great speed, in which the extraction of knowledge is key. Based on advanced analytical techniques (predictive and prescriptive), visualisation and the design of suitable environments and architecture, we will provide you with the knowledge to tackle Big Data projects.

This Master’s degree involves theoretical and practical on-site classes to provide analytical and technological guidance in classes taught by well-known professionals from the sector, which include undertaking practical exercises in real environments. The classes are taught on-site, except the final project, and the methodology that will be used is learning by doing, in order to ensure the acquisition of competences.

At the same time real cases are studied for project-based practicums. You will undertake your Final Master’s Degree Project based on the support and supervision of a tutor/professional supervisor and you will work using the tools and datasets involved in real business situations.


  1. To understand the context of Big Data projects and the analytical transformation of organisations and sectors.
  2. To learn and extract knowledge from large volumes of data and a wide variety of sources.
  3. To learn how to use Data Analysis and incorporate it into decision-making processes.
  4. To master the full cycle of data: from acquisition and storage, process and analysis, to the visualisation and creation of dashboards.
  5. To know and practice the application of statistical methods and Machine Learning.
  6. To know and practice using the main Big Data technologies and architecture. Hadoop, Spark, MongoDB, Neo4J, etc.

Aimed at

This Master’s degree is right for you if you’d like to move towards Big Data and Data Analysis. It is aimed at professionals from different business areas and specialisations: Marketing, Communication, Journalism, Law, Innovation, Finance, HR and Operations, etc.

Professional opportunities

At the end of the programme, you will be able to take on the following positions and responsibilities:

  • Data Scientist
  • Consultant / Analyst for Big Data projects
  • Director of Big Data projects
  • R&D project analyst
  • Researcher
  • Data analyst

Study programme and subjects 2024-2025

Subjects in course 1 Type Term ECTS
MÓDULO 1: Introducción a la Data Science Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 5
MÓDULO 2: Lenguajes de Programación para el Data Scientist Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 5
MÓDULO 3.1: Métodos Estadísticos y Data Mining Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 5
MÓDULO 3.2: Métodos Estadísticos y Data Mining Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 5
Final Master's Degree Project Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 15
MÓDULO 4: Machine Learning Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 10
MÓDULO 5: Tecnologías y Arquitecturas Big Data Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 5
MÓDULO 6: Técnicas de Visualización de Datos Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 5
MÓDULO 7: Proyectos en Contextos Big Data Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 5
  • ECTS: European Credit Transfer System
  • Term: calendar period
  • (a): subjects which are taught in English

Prerequisites & admissions

Admission requirements

In order to take full advantage of the classes it is necessary for candidates to have the following skills:

  1. Interest in data analysis and statistical methods.
  2. Willingness to get involved in programming activities: during your training you will acquire knowledge of R, Python and SQL.
  3. An interest in technological aspects of information.

The admissions process will include a personal interview with the director of the programme, who will assess you and answer any questions about the specific competences and requirements to take this master's degree.

Application for admission

To start your application process, you will have to attend an interview with the director.

For more information about the admission process, please contact:

Information and admissions

T. +34 651 82 61 07