Paediatric Dentistry Certificate (Online)

Type of programme
Specialization courses
between 15-01-2025 and 04-07-2025
€3,570.00. *Prices corresponding to the 2024-2025 academic year.
Theoretical (Online): Wednesdays from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. Practical : From 5 to 9 July 2021. From 9 a.m to 8 p.m
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Course objectives 

  1. Students should acquire the necessary knowledge to care for children, both preventatively and in terms of treatment.
  2. The students study the essential subject of behaviour management with child patients at theoretical and practical levels.
  3. An optional practical week is also included in which practical work is undertaken in the laboratory and with patients of the University Dental Hospital (CUO). 

Assessment method: An online self-assessment test will be carried out at the end of the course so that students can assess the  achievement  of their personal goals and their knowledge of the content of the course.

Competences to be acquired by students

  1. The Online Diploma in Paediatric Dentistry course shares the latest knowledge, techniques and protocols, bringing students up to date on developments in this specialist field.
  2. Students will obtain up-to-date evidence-based knowledge on how to best manage child dental patients. 
  3. Students will be able to draw up a proper preventative and treatment plan for a child patient.
  4. Students will acquire the necessary knowledge to manage the behaviour of both compliant and non-compliant children. 

Prospective student profile

The Diploma in Paediatric Dentistry (Online) is aimed at professionals (stomatologists and dentists) who wish to update and expand their knowledge in the field of endodontics and who do not have the time and/or means to participate in an on-site course.





Course coordinators

  • Dr Sara Vilella
  • Dr Rita Mantecón
  • Dr Francisco Guinot

Study programme and subjects 2024-2025

Subjects in course 1 Type Term ECTS
Diploma Online Odontopediatria (part Pràctica/opcional) Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 5
Diploma Online Odontopediatria (part Teòrica/obligatòria) Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 5
  • ECTS: European Credit Transfer System
  • Term: calendar period
  • (a): subjects which are taught in English

Prerequisites & admissions

  • To be a stomatologist or dentist.