Postgraduate Degree in the Creation and Management of the Integrated Clinic

Type of programme
Postgraduate degrees
5 months
€4,574.00* (1r curso 2024-2025) *Sujeto a revisión cada año.
Spanish (secondary language: English)
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To provide students with the main management concepts and tools they need, so that they can be able these aspects in their own dental clinics or professional workplace. 

The course professors are experts in each of their different areas, and they take a practical approach that adapts to the curricular profile of the students. 

The course programme covers a range of professional aspirations for students: 

  • Learning how to found and manage a dental clinic. 
  • Starting a company in the dental industry.
  • How to exercise human skills to lead teams.

Competences and skills to be acquired by students

Multidisciplinary skills:

  • 1. Analytical ability. 
  • 2. Market-focused management.
  • 3. Establishing a business model.
  • 4. The ability to analyse the work environment.
  • 5. Knowing your duties and obligations as a professional dentist.
  • 6. Leadership and employee management.

Academic accreditation

  • 20 ECTS, Postgraduate Degree in the Creation and Management of the Integrated Clinic


In the current environment, in which the dental clinic sector is very mature and competition is much more active, dental professionals need to know the key concepts and management tools available so they can apply them to their own clinics or dental practices. The Postgraduate Degree in Founding and Managing a Dental Clinic is the ideal course to gain a broader insight into the sector and have a well-rounded professional profile. 

Dentistry students and professionals have acquired specialised knowledge during long years of study focused on technical and clinical aspects, but they need better business, socioeconomic, legal and strategic knowledge, as well as the human skills required to be leaders and managers of dental clinics in the 21st century.

This course offers a theoretical-practical approach in which students can combine key concepts and tools with real practical case studies that are adapted to the problems and issues facing dental clinics and the sector today.  

Study programme and subjects 2024-2025

Subjects in course 1 Type Term ECTS
Estrategias y Herramientas de Marketing OFF/ON LINE Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 3
Gestión Económica y Fincanciera Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 3
Gestión Estratégica y Definición Modelo de Negocio Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 3
Gestión de Personas y Organización Interna Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 3
Organización Legal y Fiscal Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 3
Trabajo Final de Postgrado Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 5
  • ECTS: European Credit Transfer System
  • Term: calendar period
  • (a): subjects which are taught in English

Prerequisites & admissions

Admission process

To start the admission process you must complete the Program Admission Form found on the University website ( and follow the steps to attach the following required documentation:

  • Bachelor's Degree or Bachelor's Degree*.
  • Academic transcripts*
  • DNI or Passport
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • General Conditions Document
  • Letter/s of recommendation (recommended, not mandatory).

*For students from outside the European Union, both the grades and the Degree certificate must be legalized through diplomatic channels or must bear La Haya Apostille. (No homologated degree is required).

Candidates who are in their final year of studies must provide the academic transcript of grades updated to the date of registration.

Grants & financial aid


Members of UIC Alumni are entitled to a 5% discount.