The research group has undertaken a number of different projects, all of which revolve around the analysis of history, architecture and design from specific time periods, singular objects and prominent figures from the fields of art history and architecture. Examples of the Group’s projects include Casa Gralla, the “Mansana de la Discòrdia” and Can Feu. At present, their research is focused on the Vic Cathedral, with a view to promoting cultural visits.


Judith Urbano Lorente

  • Marta Crispí Cantón (UIC Barcelona - Humanitats)
  • Sergio Fuentes Milà (UIC Barcelona - Humanitats)
  • Assumpta Dangla (Museu de l’Estampació de Premià de Mar)
  • Àlvar Sáez Puig
  • Manuel Arenas Vidal (UIC Barcelona - School of Architecture)
  • M. José Díez Chueca (UIC Barcelona - School of Architecture)
  • Aina Garcia Andreu (UIC Barcelona - School of Architecture)
  • Joan Molet Petit (UB)
  • Aleix González Campaña (Associació Cultural Can Feu)