
The 2017 Vertical Workshop “Exhibition Spaces” gets underway

On Monday 4 September, the ESARQ - School of Architecture at UIC Barcelona kicked off the 2017-2018 academic year with a launch event for the 21st edition of the Vertical Workshop. Under the title “Exhibition Spaces”, from 4 to 13 September, the entire school will work to build five display units.

At the beginning of the event, Josep Lluis i Guinovart, director of the School, delivered an opening address and gave a warm welcome to students.

He then handed the floor over to Manuel Arenas, one of the coordinators of the Vertical Workshop, who explained the concepts and objectives of this new edition. Entitled “Exhibition Spaces”, the aim of the workshop is to construct five transportable, easy to assemble and disassemble exhibition stands capable of having several “lives”. The first life will be as part of the Vertical Workshop itself.

Next came the inaugural conference “Exhibition Spaces”, delivered by Xavier Bustos Serrat, co-founder of the Cities Connection Project, followed by the talk “Design as a Process”, by Carmelo Rodríguez, co-founder of Enorme Studio.

Lastly, Marta Delgado and Sergi Viñals, alumni of the School and coordinators of the Vertical Workshop, brought the event to an end with a brief presentation about the groups, lecturers, timetables and dynamics of the workshop.

The Vertical Workshop lasts approximately ten days and takes place at the beginning of each academic year. In it, all students from years 2 to 5 are divided into teams led by burgeoning architects and School lecturers, in which they reflect, in the form of a project, on the topic chosen by the workshop's team of directors for that particular edition.

The students’ projects will be presented to the jury on 13 September, at 9.30 a.m. in the Sculpture Garden of the CCCB, and the winning project will be announced at 5 p.m. in the Aula Magna at UIC Barcelona.