
The 2019-2023 Language Plan, UIC Barcelona’s first, takes effect

The purpose of this document is to help improve the way in which multilingualism is managed at the University.

With the approval of the 2019-2023 Language Plan, drawn up between the Vice-Rectorate for Academic Organisation and Teaching Staff and the Institute for Multilingualism, UIC Barcelona has taken a vital step towards establishing the priorities that will guide the University’s language policy for the next five years. This document sets 2023 as the deadline for achieving three objectives: 

  1. To promote and manage multilingualism in an efficient and balanced manner, using Catalan as a native language in a context of increasing internationalisation.
  2. To foster and enhance the university community’s plurilingual and intercultural competences.
  3. To improve the linguistic quality of the University’s internal and external communications. 

The actions laid out in this plan, which expand on and bring up to date the actions currently being undertaken by the University in matters of multilingualism, have been grouped in accordance with the five aspects of the 2015-2022 Strategic Plan: teaching, research, internationalisation, knowledge transfer and resources. The heads of the Institute for Multilingualism will soon commence a series of meetings to communicate the main changes contained in the Language Plan. These include a desire to advance towards a clearly trilingual university model which would allow us to meet the challenges posed by the internationalisation of higher education in an intrinsically multilingual language community such as Catalonia. 

Meanwhile, anyone interested in reading or downloading the 2019-2023 Language Plan may do so here. Both full and abridged versions are available.