
The 20th edition of the Vertical Workshop kicks off under the title “Doggy Bag: The Reuse of Discarded Resources”

The academic year at UIC Barcelona School of Architecture began on Monday 5 September with the 20th edition of the Vertical Workshop. Among those speaking at the event were School Director Josep Lluís i Guinovart and designer Curro Claret, who delivered a keynote lecture.

The Vertical Workshop involves all undergraduate students in years one through five, who are divided into cross-disciplinary work groups, each of which is headed by two nationally acclaimed young architects. The objective is to perform real architecture work for social purposes. With the 20th edition of the Vertical Workshop, entitled "Doggy Bag: The Reuse of Discarded Resources", UIC Barcelona's School of Architecture aims to promote the recycling of objects and their raw materials and give discarded furniture or objects a second life through use by disadvantaged groups.

This year, the Vertical Workshop will also be held within the framework of “Superillapilot”, a Horizontal Action organised by the Confederation of Architectural Project Workshops (CTPA) in efforts to spark reflection on public space. The Superblock Pilot Project encompasses four streets, Tánger, Llacuna, Pallars and Badajoz, in Barcelona's Sant Martí district. The students from the various architecture schools will bring the superblock's four intersections to life with ideas that promote civic participation.

The projects developed as part of the Vertical Workshop will be presented before the panel of judges on 13 September at 12 pm. At 3 pm, Workshop directors and UIC Barcelona School of Architecture lecturers Iñaki Baquero, Eva Damià and Jaime Battle will announce the winner in the University's Aula Magna.