
4th year Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing students receive a visit from the president of the "Pulseras Candela” association

As part of a subject entitled ‘Advanced clinical nursing treatment’, 4th year students taking the ‘Advanced clinical nursing’ specialisation within the Bachelor’s degree in Nursing attended a talk given by Mireia Porres, president of the “Pulseras Candela” association.  

With a particular focus on classes to care for children in oncology departments and their families, this event included participation from Mireia Porres, whose association bears her daughter Candela’s name. Porres shared her personal experiences during Candela’s time on an oncological ward with the students who attended this session. During her talk, Mireia Porres particularly highlighted the care her daughter received from nurses and the close relationship she established with them throughout her illness.  Based on her testimony, future professionals can learn at first-hand about how much nursing care is valued both for children facing illness and their families. 

Mireia Porres also talked about setting up the Pulseras Candela project and the amount it has raised for research into childhood cancer. This initiative has managed to raise more than a million euros for research over a period of only three years.