
50% of positions in the Board of Governors at UIC Barcelona are held by women

The full UIC Barcelona Board of Governors, a body consisting of an executive committee, deans and directors of institutes contains 14 women, representing more than 50% of its members. Four faculties have a female dean out of a total of seven university faculties. 

Since it is International Women’s Day we have gathered some further data about female representation in the university:  

In the following graph you can see the male-female ratio among employees: administration and service staff and teaching and research staff.

In terms of students, 61% of our degree and postgraduate degree students are female. The male-female ratio among students is 1.58. 

In October last year the university awarded architect Dr Rivka Oxman an honoris causa doctorate. She is the first woman to have received this award from UIC Barcelona.  

Our Institute for Advanced Family Studies also undertakes projects on issues such as work-life balance, as well as the relationship between the family, education, gender and family policies. Dr Consuelo León, director of the Family Policies Observatory at the Institute for Advanced Family Studies is a member of the Committee for Women and Science in the Catalan Government, of the Working Group on Equality at the Vives Network, and she also represents our university in the Spanish Rector’s Conference in the area of gender.