
650 students start their studies at UIC Barcelona

Student Services recently organised a welcome session for new students who are starting their studies during the 2016-2017 academic year. It was held in the Aula Magna room. The morning session was aimed at students from our Barcelona campus, and the afternoon session was for students from our Sant Cugat campus. 

The Rector of the university, Xavier Gil, encouraged the students to take full advantage of their time here, not only to become good students, but also to grow as people.  “We would like UIC Barcelona to change your life”, he said.  Afterwards, Belén Zárate, Vice-Rector of the University Community, described the values of the university: the importance of people, the search for truth, social commitment and professional prestige.

After this, the Chaplaincy Service, Student Services, the Library and Documentation Service and International Relations gave a presentation on each of their areas. After a rest and a promotional photograph, a round table was held to present the Counselling and Coaching Service, the university Ombudsperson, the Alumni Service, Student Services, the Sports Service and the University Students in Solidarity group.

A video on the activities organised by the university community was useful for these new students to take a look at the opportunities they will have access to in their daily lives.

The session ended with a talk by Fernando Carrera, a university professor and coordinator of the UIC Barcelona Debating Group, in which he discussed the importance of people having a personal brand.