
Academic year opening ceremony

The Rector, Dr Xavier Gil, opened the 2016-2017 academic year on Tuesday, which involved a strong emphasis on research and internationalisation, thanks to various people, and the announcement of a new Board of Governors.   The inaugural speech was given by the Director of the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), Dr Lluís Torné, and the event was also attended by the General Director for Research in the Catalan Generalitat, Ramon Subirada, who congratulated the university on its progress and good results in terms of teaching and research material.  The celebration culminated in the award of medals to people who have been working at UIC Barcelona for 10 years. 


On Tuesday the Aula Magna hosted the 2016-2017 academic year opening ceremony.  Presided over by the Rector, Dr Xavier Gil, the event began with an academic procession before the University Board of Trustees, and the academic and civil authorities present. These included a Minister from the Catalan Government, Maria de los Llanos de Luna, as well as rectors and vice-rectors from Catalan universities and representatives of companies that support the university.  


The event began with a reading from the 2015-2016 academic report, given by the General Secretary, Belén Castro. Her speech was accompanied by a video summarising all the activities carried out in the university over the past year.  The General Secretary read out the new appointments, including those for the new executive committee in the Board of Governors, which had already begun to meet on that same day.


After this the opening lecture took place, which was given by Dr Lluís Torner, Director of the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO).   An internationally renowned researcher, Torner has turned the ICFO into one of the most prestigious centres in the field of photonics.  The headquarters of the ICFO is in Castelldefels. His enthusiastic speech focused on motivating the audience in favour of research; he talked about the evolution of knowledge and about the importance to continue to undertake research in the face of unknown facts which human beings have still not discovered even today. 


Then the General Director for Research in the Catalan Generalitat, Ramon Subirada, congratulated the university on its good results in the areas of teaching and research material, which he said is “in line with the exponential growth which the university system in Catalonia has experienced”.  He underlined the fact that “providing a good education to our students, and ensuring that this education is useful and valued by our society and by employers, is one of the golden mandates of any university.  And UIC Barcelona is fulfilling this mandate, through its excellent employability figures for graduates, 88%”.  Subirada added that “the Rector is a good example of a leader who is building a competitive, innovative and fair university and research system with help from all of you”. 


As part of this academic event, the Rector handed out medals to people who have worked at the university for 10 years, and ended the event with a speech particularly aimed at the teaching and administrative staff, and thanked them for their efforts and dedication.   He mentioned the reasons that have led to the changes in the structure of the Board of Governors in the university, in line with the Strategic Plan and in the face of a strong emphasis on research and internationalisation.  The Rector also talked about the main objectives for the academic year, such as opening up a Clinic for Palliative Care, the transformation of the Healthcare Campus in Sant Cugat, and the optimisation of resources on our Barcelona campus.  

After his speech, he officially declared the 2016-2017 academic year open and then attendees sang the traditional Gaudeamus Igitur song. Acte Inauguració Curs 2016-2017