
The Adecco Foundation supports the class on Accessibility taught by UIC Barcelona's School of Architecture

The Adecco Foundation and the School of Architecture at UIC Barcelona entered into an agreement whereby the Adecco Foundation will support the seventh edition of the class on Accessibility, coordinated by Enrique Rovira-Beleta Cuyás, lecturer at UIC Barcelona’s School of Architecture. The purpose of this class is to train future professionals to implement accessible architecture projects that make it easier for people with disabilities to enter the job market.

Under this agreement, the Foundation will provide financial support and applied knowledge with a view to disseminating this knowledge academically, socially and professionally, helping people with disabilities secure jobs.

The aim is to encourage those responsible for conceiving, designing and building spaces to incorporate the principles of accessibility. And not just as a regulatory obligation, but as part of the design concept, providing for all the necessary details and ensuring these accessibility measures are implemented discretely.

According to Enrique Rovira-Beleta, architect and course coordinator, “Our goal is for students to discover the capabilities of people with disabilities, and to understand that accessibility is not just necessary for people with disabilities, but something that benefits everyone and also helps improve the quality of a project”.