
An advert called “Barcelona” wins first prize at the 9th edition of the ComuniKa Awards

On Thursday 27 April, the Faculty of Communication Sciences at UIC Barcelona held an awards ceremony as part of the fifth edition of ComuniKa, an event aimed at potential students interested in the field of communication, which took place over three Saturdays in April. The event took place in the Aula Magna of the university and was presented by professor and film director Geoffrey Cowper.

During the event, students had to create an advert for the university based on a briefing which they received beforehand. A total of nine projects were presented and first prize was awarded to “Barcelona”.

The jury consisted of professors from the Faculty of Communication Sciences at UIC Barcelona, Ricard Mamblona and Isadora García, and advertising producer Álvaro S. Carreter. When the projects were evaluated, the three jury members took into account creativity and also whether the final product fitted the brief, beyond any technical skill.

First prize, a 50% discount on first year tuition fees for studying in the Faculty, was awarded to an advert called “Barcelona”, created by students Claudia Romero, Rubén del Nogal, Celia Coca and Selena Ramos. Second prize, a Bagful bag by Munich and an iPod Shuffle, was awarded to “Step by Step”, by students Samir Chaoui, Irina Rafael, Andrea Garcia, Erick Ruiz and Linda Kirby. Finally, third prize, a Bagful bag by Munich, was awarded to “Escribe tu futuro”, by Marta Bieto, Alex del Río, Adrià Busquets, María Roca, and Elna Estévez.

Five second year Audiovisual Communication students also participated in creating the adverts:  Nadia Salmerón, Berta Carbón, Nieves Francàs, Belén González and Ana María Burgos.

The ComuniKa Awards is a competition organised by the Faculty of Communication Sciences and the Information and Admissions Service every year. The purpose of the competition is to open up the facilities (a TV studio, radio studio, video editing rooms, and multimedia rooms, etc.) to second year Spanish baccalaureate pupils, potential future Communication students, so they can discover the degree programmes offered by the Faculty. Thus students are able to see in person which specialisation they identify with the most in the field of communication.