
Advertising and Public Relations students at UIC Barcelona organise the 12th IMMA Awards

The grand annual event of the Faculty of Communication Sciences is dedicated to the concept of origami this year. The ceremony recognises the talent of final year students from degrees in Audiovisual Communication, Journalism, and Advertising and Public Relations

Once again, UIC Barcelona is organising the IMMA awards. The 12th edition of the event will take place on 11 May at 6 p.m. in the Aula Magna of the Barcelona Campus. The gala is organised by the fourth-year students of Advertising and Public Relations as part of the subject Workshop: Public Relations Programmes II, directed by lecturer Montserrat Vidal.

This year, the awards will pay homage to the theme of origami, with the slogan “Trust your steps”, following the premise that with dedication and effort everything can be attained, and that through small steps, larger objectives can be achieved.

The IMMA Awards began in 2009 and are an important annual event of the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Communication Sciences. The best academic projects of the degrees in Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, and Advertising and Public Relations are highlighted and announced before a professional jury. New categories have been introduced this year to add to existing ones: Audiovisual Initiative, Creative Strategy, Journalistic Piece, UIC Barcelona Values and Alumni Talent.

The jury for this edition is made up of nine professionals from the communication sector: Martí Saballs, deputy director of El Mundo; Josep María Morros, director of news for RAC1 and president of the Society of Journalists of Catalonia; and Ferran Cera, director of Visiona TV, among others.