
Albert Moya analyses the concept of ‘Kunstreligion’ and the evolution of aesthetics in an article published in “Pensamiento” journal

The article, entitled “La religión del arte en el pensamiento estético hegeliano” [Art as religion in Hegelian aesthetics] analyses the concept of «art as religion» (Kunstreligion) in an innovative way, as well as its enormous significance in terms of explaining the evolution of Hegel’s aesthetic thought. 

In line with some of the most recent research from the Hegel-Archive at the University of Bochum, Dr Moya maintains that this concept defines a thematic and speculative nucleus which, despite

successive terminological transformations, has been preserved and maintained throughout the philosophical work of this German philosopher. The concept of ‘Kunstreligion’ would therefore cover ground originating in a juvenile period of prior gestation of the system and would proceed, through various revisions and variations, towards mature thought as defined in his celebrated work in the Berlin Aesthetic Lecturers. Ultimately, Kunstreligion constitutes one of the nuclear elements that will allow a “nuanced” continuity between the different stages of Hegelian aesthetic thought.  

The article is available online: http://revistas.upcomillas.es/index.php/pensamiento/article/view/8087