
Albert Moya presents his most recent lines of research at an international congress on art

Dr Albert Moya, vice-dean of the Faculty of Humanities, took part in the 3rd International Congress "Para qué art", which took part in Granada from 30 March to 1 April 2017.

The 3-day congress, which was held at the University of Granada's Carmen de la Victoria venue, brought together a slew of national and international names from today's world of aesthetics and art theory, including Georg Bertram, from the Free University of Berlin; Federico Vercellone, from the University of Turin; Gerard Vilar, from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; and Alessandro Bertinetto, from the University of Udine, as well as researchers from aesthetic and artistic disciplines from all Spanish universities. The congress hinged on the concepts of autonomy and the value of art. 

Dr Moya's talk touched on one of his most recent lines of research, which discusses the limits of art and the resistance structures that art should draw on to uphold the peculiarity, value and authenticity of the artistic experience, despite the challenges posed by the many destabilising factors in today's societies.