
Alfons Puigarnau takes part as a speaker in the MoMoWo Symposium 2018 in Turin

The lecturer in Critical Thought delivered a talk on Austrian architect Grete Lihotzky

On 15 June, Alfons Puigarnau, a lecturer in Critical Thought in the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, took part in the MoMoWo International Symposium, held in the Italian city of Turin from 13-16 June under the title Women’s Creativity Since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception. 

Lecturer Puigarnau’s participation involved a talk entitled “The Woman Architect Grete Lihotzky”, which looked at an Austrian architect who is mainly remembered as the designer of the Frankfurt kitchen in the 1920s, considered the forerunner of the modern kitchen. The talk touched on one of the main themes of the School of Architecture’s Consolidated Research Group on the Historical (In)visibility of Creative Women, which is directed by Professor Puigarnau and features researchers from a number of national and international universities. According to the lecturer, “it was a great academic, human and institutional event”. “We put our name in the running to become a new institutional partner for a research group with European funding”, he added.

MoMoWo is a European Union-funded research programme on female creativity in the modern movement and is based at the Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy). The aim of the event is to shed light on the work of female architects, industrial designers and interior designers, with a view to lending prominence to and raising awareness of the historical contributions of women to Europe’s cultural heritage.