
Alfonso Méndiz talks about images of minors in advertising, in Madrid

Full Professor, Alfonso Méndiz, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, gave a talk entitled “La imagen del menor en la publicidad: de la inocencia a la sexualización infantil” at the VIII Kids&Com Conference, on the theme of “Comunidades vulnerables en el ámbito digital”. The event took place on Friday 31 March at the Centro Universitario Villanueva, in Madrid.

This meeting between researchers on communication and childhood is part of the Programme of Activities on Digital Vulnerability (PROVULDIG, Ref: S2015/HUM-3434) funded by the Ministry for Education for Madrid with 175,000 euros for the period between 2015 and 2018. It involves a consortium of five consolidated research groups, and one of our UIC Barcelona professor is a member of one of them.

PROVULDIG is a network of researchers who are interested in studying the threats and challenges that the internet represents for various social groups, particularly vulnerable ones, such as children, adolescents, young people and older people.