
The Alumni Community welcomes students who are nearing the end of their Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry

On 27 April the events room in the General University Hospital of Catalonia hosted a welcome event organised by the Alumni Community for new dentistry graduates. The graduates also received their official graduation photographs during the event.

All final year Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry students were the focus at a highly emotional event which began with a few words from Dr Lluís Giner, the Faculty dean.  Subsequently, Dr Mitchel Chávez, the lecturer chosen by students to represent the teaching body, welcomed his new colleagues to the profession. 

Class representatives Toni Borrell and Rebeca Álvarez then took centre stage with a touching speech in which they thanked their professors and lecturers for everything they had learned, both at an academic and a personal level. They remembered their experiences from each academic year, by screening an unforgettable video.  After this Dr Giner, along with Sandra Fernández, institutional vice-dean, and Ms Inmaculada Ortega, Alumni director at UIC Barcelona, awarded students their official graduation photographs and yearbooks.  Finally, Ms Ortega welcomed the new graduates to the Alumni Community.