
Alumni holds the first Promers event for students from the Faculty of Communication Sciences

The event served to strengthen ties between recent graduates and the Faculty they have been part of for the past several years.

On Friday 25 May, the Faculty of Communication Sciences held the first Promers event in the Aula Magna on the Barcelona Campus, the aim of which is to give students who are about to finish their bachelor’s degree the opportunity to keep in contact with the University through the Alumni Group. 

First, the master of ceremonies, Javier Quintano, welcomed the attendees to the event, then handed the floor over to the dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Alfonso Méndiz, who offered a few words to the recent graduates. Next spoke three lecturers, one from each degree programme, who had been chosen by the students: Marc Llobet, from Journalism; Sonia Martínez, from Audiovisual Communication; and Pilar Buil, from Advertising.

Following the speeches by the lecturers and the representatives of the respective classes, the graduation photographs and yearbooks were presented to the students by Dean Méndiz and the vice-dean, Elisa Regadera. 

Promers is an informal event in which upcoming graduates receive information about the benefits of belonging to the Alumni Group, which helps keep the ties with UIC Barcelona, their university family over the past few years, alive.