
Annual stocktake and future projects at the University Academic Year Closing Session

Both teaching and administration and service staff came together for this year’s University Academic Year Closing Session convened by the Rector. A stocktake of the year and future projects were the topics discussed at the session which took place yesterday in the Aula Magma at UIC Barcelona.

The session was hosted by the rector, Xavier Gil, who announced that his mandate would be renewed for a further three years. Dr Gil made the most of the occasion to give an overview of the milestones reached and the projects completed during his time at the helm of the university and outlined future directions in the coming academic year. The Rector thanked everyone for their effort and teamwork for managing overcome so many challenges.

During his address, he gave the floor to Dr Jaume Armengou, the vice-rector for Academic Organisation and International Relations. Dr Armengou introduced his speech with a video summarising the international nature of UIC Barcelona and the growth in this area this academic year with data and interviews.

Dr Armengou’s words also served as a goodbye since he will be starting a new project at another institution in September. The vice-rector gave thanks for his years at the university and he made a point of stressing the value of teamwork he has experienced first-hand during his time at UIC Barcelona.

Following his speech, the Vice-Rectorate for the University Community played a video summary of all the activities which have been carried out this academic year.

The general secretary, Belén Castro, brought the session to a close by awarding silver medals to the people who have worked at UIC Barcelona for ten years and in recognition of people retiring this academic year.