
Antoni Esteve, holder of a PhD in Pharmacy and founder of AdSalutem Institute Sleep Medicine, patron of the recently graduated Medicine students

“I encourage you to chase your dreams and conquer the future with passion, preparation, perseverance, patience, prudence and a positive attitude”. These were the words that Dr Antoni Esteve, patron of the graduation ceremony for students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine, used to transmit a passion for learning and innovating to contribute to the wellbeing of society to the new doctors.

On 16 June, the Aula Magna at UIC Barcelona hosted the graduation ceremony for students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine, in which the recent graduates were accompanied by teaching staff, family members and friends. Dr Albert Balaguer, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, was the person charged with welcoming the attendees, after which he handed the floor over to Dr Marta Elorduy.  After congratulating the by that point former students, she reminded them of the importance of being sensitive to the needs of their patients and encouraged them to never stop learning and become “doctors in head and heart”.

Following her speech, Dr Antoni Esteve, patron of the graduating class, shared with the attendees a series of reflections stemming from his personal experience as a man of science and business: “You are now doctors, and the health of your fellow citizens is in your hands. From now on, you must assert your strengths, forge your character and shape your future in an effort to become agents of change in this society”. Esteve, through a story about his grandfather, also revealed to the new doctors a formula for conquering the future that lays ahead. In this regard, the pharmacist underscored the importance of “being passionate about the profession, and of lifelong learning, being patient and prudent and never forgetting that the patient is the centre of everything”.

Afterwards, Dr Lluís Sánchez Sitjes, patron by popular demand, reminded the graduates that “over the past six years, you have become experts in learning. Never lose your interest in learning or curiosity for your profession”. After these words, Sánchez Sitjes helped them take the Hippocratic Oath.

The event continued with the awarding of diplomas and the placing of sashes, as well as emotional words from the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine class representatives. Lastly, following a brief talk by Dr Albert Balaguer, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, the ceremony concluded with the traditional singing of Gaudeamus Igitur.