
The area of periodontology wins one of the 2018 research grants awarded by SEPA

The research team in the Faculty of Dentistry, led by Dr José Nart Molina, director of the area of periodontology, has received this important grant within the framework of the X edition of the SEPA Research Classroom. 

The Spanish Society for Periodontology and Osseointegration (SEPA) recently awarded a project undertaken by the Faculty of Dentistry under the Observational Study category, with a total of €4.000.  The working group consists of Cristina Llena, Jesús Muñoz and Dr Nuria Vallcorba, Dr Cristina Vallés, Dr Andrés Pascual and Dr José Nart, all of whom are lecturers/professors as UIC Barcelona, as well as Rodrigo López, a lecturer at the University of Aarhus (Denmark). The researchers presented a study entitled Matrix metalloproteinase-8 test stick as a predictor of progression of periodontal disease in patients under supportive periodontal therapy. A prospective observational study with a 36-month follow-up.

In the field of periodontology, the objective has been to take a step forward in the diagnosis and prediction of periodontal illness, considered to be a potential risk factor for acute myocardial infarction, diabetes and premature birth. As part of the study they presented, the research team will evaluate the predictive validity of the PerioSafe® test in terms of the destruction of the tissue that supports teeth, with the aim of becoming able to predict the progression of the illness and ensuring the test can be used by other healthcare professionals.