
The B-SMART project by two Business Administration and Management lecturers wins first prize in the second Puig Foundation Teaching Innovation Grant

The award ceremony was hosted in the Saló de Graus at UIC Barcelona on 25 May for the second Puig Foundation Teaching Innovation Grant. The ceremony was chaired by Dr Jaume Armengou, vice-rector for Academic Organisation and International Relations, and Mr Xavier Puig, president of the Puig Foundation.

Drs Jasmina Berbegal and Dolors Gil, lecturers in the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, have been awarded first prize in the second Puig Foundation Teaching Innovation Grant for their B-SMART project. In this edition, the jury decided to award second prize to Dr María Ángeles de Juan, lecturer in the department of Nursing, for the project “Scientific event led by students: Innovating to enhance leadership in Nursing”.


The grant consists of €10,000 in total, which the jury can decide to award to one project or to divide it between a maximum of three prizes. In this edition, the jury decided to split it between two projects:


The first prize went to B-SMART which was awarded €8,850. The project was presented by Drs Jasmina Berbegal and Dolors Gil, lecturers in the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. Lecturers Ramon Bastida, Noelia Jiménez-Asenjo, Marta Mas, Nina Magomedov, Frederic Marimon and Cristina Tresserres were also involved in the project. At the ceremony, the jury noted that the initiative is transferable to other areas and also “fosters entrepreneurial spirit amongst students and contact with the business world. The project will allow for talent spotting and knowledge transfer between the university and business”.


The second prize went to the project "Scientific event led by students: Innovating to enhance leadership in Nursing" by Dr María Ángeles de Juan, lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, which was awarded the remaining €1,150. Lecturers Albert Gallart, Encarna Rodríguez, Mireia Llauradó, María Luisa Martín, Marian Cerezuela and Laia Wennberg also participated in the project. In this case, the jury highlighted the fact that the initiative can also be replicated in other areas and disciplines, especially given the fact that, in this proposal, students are the main driving force behind the activity and that it promotes contact with the professional world.


During the ceremony, Drs Mónica Fernández and Cristina Galván presented the findings of the winning project from the previous edition of the grant (2016): an initiative involving classroom gamification led by two lecturers from the Faculty of Education.


In total, 60 lecturers presented projects, both individually and in teams, in this year’s edition. The jury was made up of Dr Jaume Armengou, vice-rector for Academic Organisation and International Relations, and Ms Mercedes Navarro, director of the Puig Foundation, alongside representatives from the Teaching Innovation Classroom: Dr María Arregui, Dr Pilar Fuster, Dr Cristina Galván, Dr Carlos de Miranda, Dr Vicenç Sarrablo and Ms Elena Santa María.


All jury members highlighted the hard work of the participants and the wide range of projects presented, thus showcasing the level of motivation of the teaching staff at UIC Barcelona and their commitment to teaching innovation.