
BDAY winners and finalists discover the hub of technological start-ups in Barcelona

As well as visiting Pier 01, students were also able to get to know Payment Innovation Hub at first hand. 

All effort deserves to be rewarded, and in the case of the BDAY winners and finalists, the reward was to be able to visit the Barcelona start-up hub called Pier 01- as well as Payment Innovation Hub. 

The visit, held on 3 May, also allowed students to talk to the president and founder of Byhours, Christian Rodríguez, who described his business model which involves renting rooms by the hour, via a single technological platform. 

Rodríguez shared with students from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences the fact that his team members are highly aware they are working to ensure that new clients from the hotel world are satisfied with the idea of renting a hotel room by the hour. 

Finally, Silvia Garcia presented a company called Payment Innovation Hub, a joint venture between five large companies, which designs user experiences and creates technological solutions for client needs. Other business discoveries were also discussed throughout the day.