
‘Big Data’ in companies, the topic of the first Global Biz Club meeting for this academic year

The Saló de Graus room on our Barcelona campus on 8 November hosted the first session of our Global Biz Club. On this occasion, the topic was Big Data technology in companies, with a round table entitled “El comportamiento del consumidor: rastreando y trazando desde la ubicuidad” [Consumer behaviour: ubiquitous trawling and tracing].

Current mobile technology allows platforms to ubiquitously trawl through our information, and subsequently trace us in the search to investigate our behaviours. Consequently, our mobiles help us while also monitoring us at the same time. This was the premise set out by the four speakers who participated in the session:  Víctor Manchado, Governance BigData & RDA at CaixaBank; Marc Freixa, Big Data Project Director at Havas Media; Jordi Trill, BigData & Core Tech Business Development Manager at Oracle, and Gustavo Loewe, Regional Director of Qlik.

The legal and moral aspects of the use of data were among the topics discussed.  The speakers all agreed that there is currently quite a lot of regulation and data which is extracted is always anonymous.   However, Gustavo Loewe questioned whether the majority of Facebook users (for example) know how their personal information is being used.

In relation to the employee profile which companies are currently looking for, everyone agreed with a statement made by Jordi Trill: “What companies are now looking for is people with open minds”, to which Marc Freixa added:  “We don’t only need specialists, but also people who know how to communicate”.

In relation to the role people play in the era of data, Gustavo Loewe stated that:  “The human component will always be fundamental in any type of decision”.

Examples of the use of data in statistics and predictions included recent news stories about the elections in the Unites States, and the voting processes in both Columbia and for Brexit.  The Executive Master's Degree in Big Data Science from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences was also presented during this event, which Oracle and Havas Media also took part in.

The Global Biz Club is a club containing former UIC Barcelona students who are interested in different areas in the world of business.  It is a meeting point and an educational opportunity where alumni members can learn, share experiences and network.