
'Brushstroke' and 'Sueño de amor’; winners at the Showing Film Awards 2016

The short film 'Brushstroke' directed by Javi Carreras, a graduate in audiovisual communication from UIC Barcelona ​won ​second prize for his piece and ‘Sueño de amor’ by another former student, Joan Girbau, won the best photography award at the Showing Film Awards 2016 which took place at Madrid’s ‘Palacio de la Prensa’ on 29 February. The awards ceremony was compered by actors Macarena Gómez and Eduardo Casanova.

At this edition of the Showing Film Awards, participants had to present their audiovisual contributions under the theme of 'Idealists and Dreamers'. The film 'Brushstroke' tells the story of J. Thompson, a painter of late-flowering talent who wants to fulfil his dream of sharing his art with the world. After struggling day after day to achieve his ambition, he finds the perfect opportunity to make it a reality. The short film that won the award for best photography, Sueño de Amor’, relates the story of Pere, the elder brother of Tomàs, who he has taken care of since their parents passed away. For a long time they have lived in poverty, facing hunger and cold under the winter sun. But none of this matters, because Pere makes Tomàs the happiest little boy in the world. Pere is a fighter, a dreamer and, most important of all, a brother worth living for.

The first prize in the Showing Film Awards 2016 went to the short ‘La Persona Que Más Admiro’ and the ‘Showing Talent Award’ was won by actress and director Leticia Dolera.

The jury was made up of leading figures of the cinema industry such as Yvonne Blanke, an iconic cinema costume designer, winner of an Oscar and four Goya Awards; Manuel Cristóbal, audiovisual and vocal producer at the Spanish Academy of Arts and Cinematographic Sciences; the photographer Ouka Leele; Donen Myrick, director of 'The Blair Witch Project’  and Julián Larrauri, former student of the Villanueva University Centre and Director of Production at Ilion Animation Studios, who was nominated at the Goyas as Best Director for the film 'Mortadelo i Filemón contra Jimmy el cachondo', released in English as ‘Mortadelo and Filemón: Mission Implausible’.

Showing Film Awards is an international contest for short films and advertising spots directed at 17-25 year-olds and organised by the Showing Foundation in conjunction with the Villanueva University Centre. This initiative aims to encourage young people to think about universal human values and express them audiovisually. To achieve this, each edition challenges promising young filmmakers to create a piece of their own based on a specific theme related to a universal value such as silence, forgiveness, peace or loyalty.