
Caixabank professionals describe new updates in business financing to ADE students

Students attended a session in the Day One centre, a new service the bank provides for technological companies and investors

Students taking the Financial and Banking Analysis subject were given a class on current and future predictions for the world of business financing from a 360º perspective. Various employees from Caixabank revealed the keys to the market in a session given at the Day One centre, a new service offered by this bank to technological companies and investors.  Theese professionals are experts who have analysed alternative sources of financing which are currently on the increase and are facing the challenge of competing with traditional financing companies. 

The session included participation from business development manager at Day One, Vanessa Palmer, and product manager at Caixabank Víctor Cardoner, who gave a practical overview of concepts such as start-ups, venture capital, business angels and private equity.

The managing director of Loanbook Capital, Eloi Noya, described crowdlending to students, as well as crowdfunding, and talked about how both have evolved in Spain.  Noya also offered an overview of the world of FinTech, and explained Challenger Banks and Neobanks.  

Finally, head of e-commerce at Comercia Global Payments in Caixabank, Pancho Perez, talked about what is happening in the world of payment methods, PSD2, and why Google, Amazon, Facebook and other FinTechs are so interested in this type of transactional business where client data plays a strategic role.