
Carles Martín, Professional Excellence Award 2016 from the CoMB

One of our professors who is also the coordinator of our Master's Degree in Legal, Forensic and Criminological Psychopathology has been awarded a Professional Excellence Award. It is awarded by the Barcelona Society of Physicians each year. 

Carles Martín Fumadó is a MD in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. His degree was awarded by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and he is also a forensic doctor.  He is Assistant Director of the Catalan Institute for Legal Medicine (IMLCFC) and has authored 30 scientific articles. He is the Coordinator for the University Master's Degree in Legal, Forensic and Criminal Psychopathology. 

The Barcelona Society of Physicians (CoMB) has been giving out Professional Excellence Awards annually since 2004 based on decisions made by a jury that includes prestigious doctors. They awards are given to recognise outstanding  professionals and healthcare teams in the medical profession who have an exemplary trajectory based on the best quality care and in also to exalt the values which medical professionalism involves. The CoMB awards are recognition for trajectories based on honesty, commitment, altruism, integrity, work well done and excellence. 

The CoMB awards professionals in the fields of hospital healthcare, primary care, other healthcare fields, biomedical research, medical education and also humanities, cooperation and management. Four awards are given per healthcare team, in order to recognise the leadership and excellence of all doctors working in a team.