
Carlos Ferrater, to the new graduates: "Doing architecture means knowing how to make a window"

A new group of Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture students from the School of Architecture in our university graduated on 21 July, and the ceremony was held in the Aula Magna on our Barcelona campus.  Carlos Ferrater, as the patron of this year’s graduates, was encouraging to these new architects, while talking to them about the wonders of this profession.

The event began with a welcome from the director of the school, José Luis Ginovart, followed by a few words from the Assistant Director for Students, Ana Cocho, who advised the new architects to be cautious but strong: “Don't forget - she said- that you are stronger than you think, but also you still need to learn a lot more than you believe”.

The main lecture was given by the prestigious architect Carlos Ferrater, as the patron of this year’s graduates. Ferrater, after providing an overview of his professional career, addressed the graduates directly, and encouraged them to be aware that they are capable of great things, if they know how to take note of the smallest details: “Architecture, at the end of the day, means knowing how to make a window”.

After the diplomas were awarded and the class representatives had made speeches, Ginovart closed the event.  He thanked everyone for how they had treated him during his first year as director of the School of Architecture and underlined the importance of hard work: “The demand for and efforts made towards excellence begin at an individual level and this lies at the heart of this programme”.

The event ended while singing Gaudeamus Igitur and then some refreshments were offered.