
Carmen Mendoza participates as a speaker in the “Creation from Catastrophe” symposium at RIBA

Dr Carmen Mendoza,  Assistant Director of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, Director of the Area of Urbanism and Co-Director of the Master of International Cooperation Sustainable Emergency Architecture gave a talk at the “Creation and Catastrophe” symposium which took place at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) on 7 April 2016, as part of the “Creation from Catastrophe” exhibition.

The aim of this symposium was to generate an exchange between international experts and academics. The speakers discussed the current and emerging role of urban practitioners before and after disaster, research and training challenges for design and development professionals working in the humanitarian sector, and examined various case studies from the field.

The speakers included Esther Charlesworth from Universidad RMIT and various invited professors from our Master of International Cooperation Sustainable Emergency Architecture. They also included Camillo Boano from Bartlett Development Planning Unit UCL, Nabeel Hamdi from Oxford Brookes University and Dan Lewis from UN-Habitat, etc.

This symposium was possible due to cooperation between all the participants: RIBA, RMIT University, RMIT Europe, IFRC, UN-Habitat, CENDEP, Oxford Brookes, ARUP, Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL and UIC Barcelona.