
Carmen Mendoza presents the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture in Dubai

Dr Carmen Mendoza was invited as a visiting professor to the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Manipal University in Dubai.

Photography: © Manipal University Dubai  

As part of a new initiative to introduce Urban Design into the degree in Architecture, Dr Mendoza taught an intensive two-week urban design seminar to fourth and fifth year architecture students at Manipal University in Dubai, in late August 2016. The seminar consisted of developing an urban design proposal for a derelict area of the city of Berlin, Germany, which the professor and the students from Manipal University visited prior to the course. Through a combination of theoretical urban design classes and hands-on experience in the design studio, the students were able to develop their first masterplan proposals.

Likewise, as assistant director of International Relations at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, Dr Mendoza held a presentation and provided information about the Master’s programmes available at the School of Architecture. An agreement between the schools is currently being developed to make it easier for students from Manipal University in Dubai to study in Barcelona, and to provide UIC Barcelona students the chance to gain curricular work experience with prestigious firms in Dubai.

Dr Carmen Mendoza is assistant director of International Relations, director of Urbanism and co-director of the Master’s Degree in International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture.