
The CEO of Ficosa, lecturer for a day with students from the Academic Excellence Programme

Students from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences’ Academic Excellence Programme (PEA) will complement the session led by the chief executive officer (CEO) of Ficosa, Javier Pujol, with a tour of the company’s facilities in Viladecavalls (Barcelona).

On 16 November, the 50 students involved in the second Academic Excellence Programme (PEA) attended a session led by the chief executive officer (CEO) of Ficosa, Javier Pujol, who, along with the students, analysed the current challenges facing the automotive sector.

Pujol also shared his vision of the development of the sector within the context of the digital revolution. The CEO of Ficosa’s strategic thinking with regards to business gave rise to a debate with the Business Administration and Management, Law, Communication and Architecture students from the Bridging University and Business Programme, in which they all provided their academic perspective. 

The session, held on the Barcelona Campus of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona), will be complemented with a tour of the Ficosa facilities in Viladecavalls (Barcelona) on 23 November. This will give the students from the PEA Programme a first-hand look at how the company works. 


About the Academic Excellence Programme (PEA)
The Academic Excellence Programme: Bridging University and Business is an activity intended for students with the best academic records from the Business Administration and Management, Law, Communication and Architecture degree programmes. The objective is to familiarise the university students with the world of business through activities such as conferences and lectures by senior managers. The PEA ends with a consulting competition, in which the participants are divided into consulting groups and required to tackle business challenges.