
The Chair of Management by Missions presents at an international symposium on ethics, business and society

The director of the Chair, Carlos Rey and the deputy director, Miquel Bastons, both lecturers from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at UIC Barcelona, presented the paper “Effective mission implementation: The three dimensions of mission statement” at the 19th International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society organised by the IESE Business School on 4 and 5 July 2016.

In the article, Rey and Bastons analysed the relationship between a company's mission statement and the motivation of its employees. In it, the authors set out the theory of human motivation and proposed three aspects for the mission: formal, dynamic and the driving force.

The objective of this symposium is to reflect on the role of ethics in redefining strategic management in response to the challenges of the new millennium. As the symposium progressed, it became evident that ethics and strategic management must be implemented for the purpose of constructing a conceptual framework and a mindset that companies can use to define the language that draws up its strategy.