
Clinical Residency in Dentistry students and lecturers take part in the first Immediate Life Support course

This pilot course was organised by the Department of Nursing and coordinated by Dr Jordi Castillo, a lecturer in the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and a cardiopulmonary resuscitation instructor

On Friday 23 November, the Comprehensive Centre for Advanced Simulation hosted the first Immediate Life Support course for students and teachers from the Faculty of Dentistry. More specifically, the 16 participants included students from the Clinical Residency in Surgical Techniques Applied to the Oral Cavity; students from the Clinical Residency in Geriatric Dentistry, Special Patients and Medically Compromised Patients; as well as the directors and coordinators of several postgraduate and master’s degrees in the field of Dentistry.
The training included an online part, organised in cooperation with the Catalan Resuscitation Council, and a practical part, which took place on-site in the Comprehensive Centre for Advanced Simulation on the Sant Cugat Campus. The course was promoted by the Department of Nursing and coordinated by Dr Jordi Castillo, a lecturer in the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and a cardiopulmonary resuscitation instructor. Both the students and participating lecturers were highly satisfied with the training, describing it as “an extraordinary experience and a fantastic course”. 
The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences provides training on Basic Life Support and how to use an external defibrilator to approximately 600 students a year. These sessions are taught both internally, for students from the bachelor’s degrees in Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing and Education, and externally, for secondary school students and teachers.