
Closing of the first edition of the Tutorial 'Training Programme'

8 June saw the close of the programme taught by the Institute for Advanced Family Studies for teachers working in Family Education Institute schools from across Catalonia. The main aims of the course were to strengthen the key role of parents, to offer new educational strategies and to build new bridges between the family and schools in school guidance counselling programmes.

“The design and implementation of this programme responds to the need to design a training programme adapted to the present circumstances of families and schools, as well as improving the interaction channels between both parties. Strengthening the strategic role of school tutors in pre-primary education will allow for this by helping them become true agents of change in school family guidance programmes”, said Pilar Lacorte, academic director of the programme. 

With this goal in mind, the programme has, with the help of different experts and the teaching staff of the Institute, updated a number of methodologies, resources, materials and tools on the key role of parents, family communication, secure attachment and managing emotions, among others. 

The theoretical contents have been combined with other activities promoting analysis and debate, such as case methodology, team work, self-assessment using questionnaires, participatory forums and role play.  Over the past six months, the course has included a number of learning sessions and activities taught on-site at UIC Barcelona’s Barcelona campus. 

On the last day of the programme, the students received a certificate accrediting their participation in the programme from Dr Montserrat Gas, director of the Institute.