
The Confederation of Architectural Project Workshops organises a meeting between all schools of architecture in Barcelona to discuss the Public Domain

On Friday 20 November 2015, the School of Architecture at UIC Barcelona hosted a conference entitled “Crossed Juries”. The conference dealt with the topic of the Public Domain and included the participation of architects and students from the Confederation of Architectural Project Workshops (CTPA).

The Confederation is made up of project workshop professors and students from the five schools of architecture in Barcelona: ETSAB, ETSAV, La Salle, IAAC and UIC Barcelona's School of Architecture.

The CTPA aims to address a topic of general concern each year with a view to bringing society and architecture closer together. The topic chosen for the 2015-16 academic year is the Public Domain, which explores the correlation between recovering public space and social cohesion. 

The conference included a number of peer evaluations between students and professors from the various schools of architecture, during which projects relating to the chosen topic were presented and assessed by professors from other schools. 

Students and professors from the 7 project workshops involved in the initiative also took part in a session of critical dialogue and debate in UIC Barcelona’s Aula Magna. This initiative is spearheaded by a large number of recognised architects from the city’s schools of architecture.