
Consuelo León participates in an event on the Pact for Timetable Reform

At this event a debate was held on the role municipalities will play in the future timetable reform. 

On 28 March, Consuelo León, director of the Family Policies Observatory in the Institute for Advanced Family Studies, participated in a talk entitled “Municipalities: the driving force behind changes to the Timetable Reform”, which took place in the main building of the Catalan Generalitat.  

As León explained, the purpose of this event “was to set out the advantages and benefits of putting measures into practice related to time management. As well as raise awareness of the importance of taking better advantage of time as an essential factor to achieve a good work-life balance, without forgetting about co-responsibility”.  

The event was held as the result of the Pact for Timetable Reform, a citizen's initiative that is fighting for timetable changes so that people can have more freedom to manage their time .“Good time management and rational timetables are a fundamental advantage for people”, stated León, who also said “at the same time, it also leads to a marked improvement in productivity”. 

The main objective behind the Pact for Timetable Reform is to comply with all the measures set out for 2025. The Pact was signed by various organisations, including the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.