
‘Consulting Competition’ for the fourth edition of the ‘Bridging University and Business’ Programme

Business and Administration Management (ADE) students Mª Carmen Pérez (3rd year); Marc Solé (2nd year); Luis Fernando Lavilla (1st year); David Carpi (1st year), Irene Elizalde (1st year) and Ignacio Ollero (1st year) were the members of this edition's winning team.

On Thursday 28 April, the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences hosted the Consulting Competition for the fourth time, as part of the Academic Excellence Programme with the participation of the faculty students with the best academic record across all ADE courses. Over the two-and-a-half hour duration of the competition, the teams presented their solutions to the topics put forward by three professional representatives from different sectors: technology, banking and retail. The winning project came from the field of technology and was called: “Monetisation models in mobile applications: What format of videogame would be most appropriate to expand the volume of users and maximise medium term income?".

Together with the programme's director, Luis Jover who is deputy director of MBA admissions at the IESE Business School, the jury comprised professionals from the three areas of the projects. They were: Carles Escribano, entrepreneur, consultant and educational software engineer; José Suárez-Lledó, administration manager of Financial Markets, Strategic Planning and Studies at CaixaBank Barcelona and Joan Romagosa, Project Consultant - LIDL Supermarkets. 

About the PEA Programme

The Academic Excellence Programme (PEA) Bridging University and Business is an activity being run for the second consecutive year by the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences aimed at those students with the best academic records across all ADE courses. The objective is to bring university students closer to the world of business.

The programme is rolled out in two modules split between the two semesters of each academic year. Each module consists of five sessions, each dedicated to different business management areas, with participation from invited representatives from top management. Every year the activity ends with a Consulting Competition, in which the students must form a “consultancy group” and address specific business challenges.