
Dalmau Oliveras: “At our agency we strongly defend the idea that advertising must always respect the client”

The advertising writer from *S,C,P,F… Agency gave a talk within the framework of the Advertising Writing subject, taught to 4th year Advertising students. The lecturer for this subject is Cristina Martorell.

During the session she described the case of Solvia (part of Banco Sabadell) and set up a practical exercise for students (to create a tagline for an advert). After commenting on and evaluating the proposals presented by students, they discussed the tagline they had chosen in the end for the advert they created.

* S,C,P,F... is one of the most recognised agencies in Spain, it was founded by the advertising executive Toni Segarra. Segarra has worked for well-known brands such as BMW (the famous “¿Te gusta conducir?” campaign) IKEA, Banco Sabadell (“conversaciones sobre el futuro”), etc.

Oliveras also talked about the importance of advertising executives. He also clearly discussed how to treat clients and underlined one of his company’s priorities: “We must treat clients with respect: people are not stupid”.

The purpose of the Advertising Writing subject is for students to learn the main techniques applied to advertising creativity and the different types of media and formats used.