
David Miró, journalist and assistant editor of ARA, presents 'Periodisme samurai: les claus per ser un bon periodista polític' at the Faculty of Communication Sciences

David Miró, a journalist and assistant editor of the newspaper ARA, recently presented his latest book Periodisme samurai: les claus per ser un bon periodista polític [Samurai Journalism: The Keys to Being a Good Political Journalist] (Editorial UOC) at the Faculty of Communication Sciences.

The event took place on 15 December as part of year-two Bachelor's Degree in Journalism subject Contemporary Thought, taught by lecturer Francesc Cano, news director at Catalunya Ràdio. Samurai Journalism: The Keys to Being a Good Political Journalist addresses the complex and often contradictory relationship between the realms of journalism and politics; a relationship that requires additional commitment from reporters who spend their careers exploring the inner workings of power, and who are referred to in this book as Samurais. For if journalism is not free, neither is politics, and political journalists are the watchdogs of democracy. As such they must be trained in techniques which help them do their job properly and keep them from falling into the innumerable traps that power puts in the way.