
The dean of the Faculty of Education is co-directing a study analysing female leadership in OECD countries

The results locate Spain in eighth place in the ranking published on Europe Day. 


Esther Jiménez, dean of the Faculty of Education at UIC Barcelona, co-directed an IESE study called (IESE- Women In Leadership) which analyses female leadership and equal opportunities in 34 OECD countries. 

The study, which was published to coincide with the commemoration of Europe Day, analyses the situation of women in personal, political, business and social fields. 

Spain is far-removed from the bottom positions, held by Turkey, Japan and South Korea, and is listed eighth.  However, there is still much to do, since in terms of social leadership Spain drops to 29th place and is ranked number 25 for business leadership.  Sweden, Iceland and Norway are at the top of the ranking.