
Dean Marta Mas attends the annual conference of the European International Business Academy

She presented the following paper: "Knowledge creation and organisational effectiveness: reality or a dream?"

The Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Marta Mas, was one of the participants in the annual European International Business Academy (EIBA) conference.  

In the professional meeting, held on 16 December in Milan (Italy), Mas presented a paper entitled: "Knowledge creation and organisational effectiveness: reality or a dream?". The co-authors were Frederic Marimon and Iván Malbasic.

The paper looked at whether the knowledge creation process in companies has a significant impact on the achievement of organisational efficiency. After the corresponding study, the results demonstrated that the creation of knowledge during the four stages identified by Nonaka & Takeuchi (1995) in their SECI model accreditation model help to generate competitive advantages. 

For their methodology the authors used a questionnaire based on a literature review and a sample of over 200 employees of Croatian companies.